Why Sustainable Swimwear?!
Manhattan is more than 22 square miles, and it’s a borough in New York City that just about everyone’s familiar with. Even if you haven’t been there, you can probably get an idea that it’s seriously big.
Now, imagine an area 34 times the size of that, and then fill it ankle-deep with plastic garbage. What you get is around 19 billion pounds of plastic waste, and studies are revealing that this is exactly how much non-biodegradable trash is currently being dumped into our oceans each and every year.
What’s even more staggering is that this number is expected to double over the next 5 years.
Re-thinking the “paper or plastic” question yet? While most of the garbage floating in our oceans are plastic bottles and bags, the waste goes far beyond packaging. In reality, the clothing industry is a huge contributor to the massive amount of non-biodegrable waste floating in our world’s waters. Synthetic fabrics may be affordable, but microplastics can be washed out right into our water supplies if you’re one of the billions of people in the world wearing synthetic clothing that incorporates acrylic or polyester.
In fact, just one single washing cycle has the potential to release more than 700,000 microplastic fibers into the environment. Even if you don’t do laundry that often, these numbers add up when you consider that around 1,100 people will throw a load into their washing machine every second (and that’s just in the United States).
Maybe you see where this is going…
Sustainability has been a growing topic of discussion in recent years, and with these shocking statistics now surfacing, there is really no wonder why. And, of course, as the consumerism model moves forward, more and more companies seem to be opting for synthetic materials to lower prices and produce more products, focusing on the bottom line rather than the long-term effects of their choices.
It’s in response to this that emerging companies have begun developing new manufacturing techniques and products to help slow down the accumulation of waste and, at the same time, help promote the use of products and components that are sustainably sourced, and biodegradable.
OK, I’ve read enough just show me what the sustainable swimwear looks like already!
Up until as recently as a few years ago, the concept of “sustainability” seemed to have a stigma associated with it. There was a belief that sustainable fashion was, well… unfashionable. Made from rough uncomfortable fabrics and mostly for hard core hippies.
Fortunately, this mindset has begun shifting as more and more research continues to support the one simple claim being made: Humans are producing more waste than we can handle.
Different groups are responding to this problem in many different ways. Some promote a minimalist lifestyle to reduce consumption, while others are taking a more direct approach and trying to improve the sustainability and biodegradability of the products being manufactured today. Both approaches are positive and have good intentions, but the latter is most certainly more appealing to most people.
If you haven’t heard of Carvico yet, you’re soon going to learn about it–and probably start wearing it. That’s because it’s a new fabric, or really: a textile yarn, that’s created with sustainability in mind. The best part is that, the team behind Carvico Vita have addressed the key issues that used to plague the concept of “sustainability” and discourage people from purchasing sustainable products.
Wondering what goes into producing Sustainable Swimwear fabric?
Here are the six basic steps of the process from trash to sustainable textiles:
Here at Bombshell Bay Swimwear, we use it to produce our Swimsuits, Surf Suits and Rash Guards.
And we don’t use it because it’s a “fad” that can be leveraged to sell more swimsuits or get attention from the media. We believe in the process and concept of shifting the manufacturing process to be more sustainable. It’s time that we begin considering the long-term effects of what we’re doing today, and what the industry has been doing for decade after decade.
To us, it’s very important that we take the responsible steps needed to enable consumers like you to make better choices.
And, it’s not just sustainability that makes us different.
Here, we have a few guiding philosophies that set us apart from the rest:
Making A Difference
Sustainability and being good to the oceans that we enjoy so much is most certainly important to us as well. That’s why, after accomplishing our goal of supporting women and setting our strict standards for promoting natural beauty, we launched our Sustainable Swimwear line in 2017.
It’s an effort that was by no means an easy undertaking, but it’s something everyone here at Bombshell Bay is super proud of. That’s because now, not only are we making a difference in the lives of women, we’re also making a positive impact on our world as a whole. Those things really get us moving, even on Monday mornings when we’d rather be at the beach ourselves.
Frequently Asked Questions
We get a lot of questions about our work. Here are the short and simple answers:
Join the movement
By wearing sustainable swimwear, you’re showing that you are a conscientious individual—although no one will ever know it’s sustainable unless you tell them yourself! And, once you spend some time in your new swim suit, we think you’ll be shouting it off the roof tops.
Our sustainable swimwear line isn’t reserved for anyone. Women of all ages, backgrounds, and nationalities, we love you all.